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3c. Knowledge Constructor | English Language Arts | Grades 6-12

Instructional Idea

Students select a topic related to English language arts (e.g., a piece of literature, literary movement, author, etc.) and locate credible digital resources about it. To locate resources, students can experiment with different keyword combinations and the use of quotes. (Note, the use of quote marks around a phrase searches for the complete phrase together, not individual words. If you were searching for fresh apples, quote marks around “fresh apples” would search the whole phrases, but the term fresh apples would search for the individual words.) As students locate resources, they are to “pin” or “bookmark” them using a digital curation tool. After students have located a certain number of resources (e.g., 5, 10, or more!), they can explain how the content they curated connects to their topic in writing or video.

EdTech Resources for Curation

A curation tool that allows students to add curated content from the web and save it. As students locate content related to their topic, they can save it in their “pocket” and easily return to it when needing to reference it.


A curation tool that allows students to add curated content from the web and save it in their collection. As students locate content related to their topic, they can save it in Wakelet and easily return to it when needing to reference it.


EdTech for Locating Content

A collection of search engines formatted on one screen, with the functionality to locate a variety of different content. Students can use Search All to locate resources connected to their topic.


Student Objective



This teaching strategy has students experiment with search terms to collect digital resources using a curation technology and then report their findings.

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