7a. Global Citizen | English Language Arts | Grades 6-12
Students join a digital book club and engage other members of the club to come to new understandings of the book they are reading.
Students join a digital book club and engage other members of the club to come to new understandings of the book they are reading.
Students analyze the privacy policies of their favorite “pleasure reading” websites and add that information to a shared document.
Students analyze their data usage and then explore the privacy policies of the websites and platforms they most frequent before creating an equation to numerically represent the cost of their data usage.
As part of a lesson on universal themes, teachers can assign each student a theme (e.g., falling in love, losing a loved one, good vs. bad, coming of age, power & corruption, etc.). Next, students must locate a certain number … Read more
This activity requires students to compare equations to algorithms in the context of copyright and patent law. To begin, teachers have students review the definitions and examples of algorithms and equations. Next, teachers have students look for famous examples of … Read more
Students take a diagnostic test that is appropriate for their grade level and mathematical discipline (e.g., geometry, pre-algebra, physics, etc.) or topic within a discipline (e.g., number theory, probability, distribution, etc.). Next, students analyze their results, and they identify one … Read more
Instructional Idea Students select a topic related to English language arts (e.g., a piece of literature, literary movement, author, etc.) and locate credible digital resources about it. To locate resources, students can experiment with different keyword combinations and the use … Read more
Instructional Idea To develop students’ research skills, teachers present students with a series of statements thematically related to a topic of study, with some statements being true and some being false. Students are then tasked to locate digital information that … Read more
Instructional Idea Students are assigned a topic and required to locate primary and secondary sources about it to create an annotated bibliography. In an introductory paragraph, students will have to provide an overview of the topic and the search term(s) … Read more