Compare data from 2 bar charts | Students Compute like Computers to Solve Real Problems (Lesson 4 of 7) | K-2
Student Objective
Students will be able to:
1. Articulate a problem by comparing 2 related bar graphs with related values and the same categories.
2. Compare specific values from 2 related data sources and uncover a problem.
Materials Needed:
- Students will each require a computer
- Interactive Google Slides Activity (google slides 6)
- Teacher review of how to make interactive activities in google slides
- Students will need a separate mini-lesson on how to manipulate objects in google slides.
- You can increase the rigor in this lesson by using larger numbers with more place values or add more categories of marble colors
Step 1: Define key terms.
- Numerical – made up of numbers only
- Situation – an event
- Data – information that is usually made up of numbers only (numerical)
- Bar Graph – a picture that represents our numerical data
- Visualize – turn numerical information into a bar graph!
- Compare – put two things next to each other and see how they are different or the same
Step 2: Own It – “How do you know if you have enough?”
- Provide a scenario to students for them to do a Think-Pair-share:
- “If you told me that you wanted 6 green marbles, how would you know if I had enough marbles in my classroom to give you? How would you find out?”
- Exemplar answer:
- I would have to count how many green marbles you have in class
- Then I have to check if you have 6 or more marbles
- Scaffold:
- If you counted only 4 marbles, would I have enough to give you?
- What about 5? Which number is bigger: 5 or 6?
- Push Thinking:
- What would happen if I didn’t have enough green marbles to give you?
- What would happen if I did have enough green marbles to give you?
- Stamp:
- After you looked at both how many green marbles you wanted and how many I had, you can find out if I need more marbles or not!
- You can find out if there is a problem by comparing, or looking at, 2 pieces of data, or numbers!
Step 3: Introduce the Essential Question
- “We continue to answer our big question, ‘What steps do computers take to analyze numerical information and find problems that we can solve?'”
- “Today, we will learn the third step computers take: compare visualized data from two different bar graphs about the same event and determine if there is a problem.”
Step 4: Introduce the Scenario of Marble Demand vs Marble Supply
- Show students google slide #6
- Last year, I collected data on what color marbles students wanted.
- I wanted to teach a special lesson, but I needed to know if I could teach the special lesson first.
- In a moment, I’m going to show you 2 bar graphs:
- the first one represents the number of color marbles that students wanted
- the second one represents the number of color marbles I had in class to give
Step 5: Students Manipulate Bar Graph Elements to Compare Values
- Model for students (on google slide 6, and slide 7 is the exemplar):
- move “T-marked” bar values to the student bar chart (see slide 7 in google slides)
- Have students follow your model
Step 6: Have students identify where the demand of marbles is too high for the supply of marbles
Say: “Did you see anything that might cause the teacher [me] a problem in this situation?”
- Scaffolding questions:
- “Are there any colors where I have too much or too little marbles to give to students?”
- run through the comparisons again
Step 7: Have students articulate the problem using a simple sentence
Exemplar answers:
- “Students want 2 more green marbles than the teacher has in class.”
- “Mr. Teacher needs 2 more green marbles to give to students.”
Step 8: Have Student Execute Independent Practice
- Create 4-5 more interactive bar charts like in slide 5 with different values (how to make interactive activities)
- Quick way:
- Click on slide 5 –> Toolbar –> Slide –> Edit Master –> Right click on layout for slide 7 –> Duplicate Layout
- In duplicated master slide: modify it according to your needs
- repeat 3-4 more times to create a set for each student
- Quick way:
- Have students independently or in pairs:
- manipulate the bar graphs to compare teacher supply with student demand
- answer comprehension questions
Step 9: Stamp End of Lesson and Preview Next
- “Today, we took the fourth step computers make to analyze information and find problems that we can solve:
- compare visualized data from two different bar graphs about the same event and determine if there is a problem
- After we found a problem, we clearly shared what the problem was!
- “In the next lesson, we will take the next step!
- Propose a solution to a problem you found and clearly shared!