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Compare data from 2 bar charts | Students Compute like Computers to Solve Real Problems (Lesson 4 of 7) | K-2

Student Objective

Students will be able to:
1. Articulate a problem by comparing 2 related bar graphs with related values and the same categories.
2. Compare specific values from 2 related data sources and uncover a problem.


Materials Needed:

  1. Students will each require a computer
  2. Interactive Google Slides Activity (google slides 6)
  3. Teacher review of how to make interactive activities in google slides
  4. Students will need a separate mini-lesson on how to manipulate objects in google slides.
  5. You can increase the rigor in this lesson by using larger numbers with more place values or add more categories of marble colors

Step 1: Define key terms.

  1. Numerical – made up of numbers only
  2. Situation – an event
  3. Data – information that is usually made up of numbers only (numerical)
  4. Bar Graph – a picture that represents our numerical data
  5. Visualize – turn numerical information into a bar graph!
  6. Compare – put two things next to each other and see how they are different or the same

Step 2: Own It – “How do you know if you have enough?”

  • Provide a scenario to students for them to do a Think-Pair-share:
  • “If you told me that you wanted 6 green marbles, how would you know if I had enough marbles in my classroom to give you?  How would you find out?”
  • Exemplar answer:
    • I would have to count how many green marbles you have in class
    • Then I have to check if you have 6 or more marbles
  • Scaffold:
    • If you counted only 4 marbles, would I have enough to give you?
    • What about 5?  Which number is bigger: 5 or 6?
  • Push Thinking:
    • What would happen if I didn’t have enough green marbles to give you?
    • What would happen if I did have enough green marbles to give you?
  • Stamp:
    • After you looked at both how many green marbles you wanted and how many I had, you can find out if I need more marbles or not!
    • You can find out if there is a problem by comparing, or looking at, 2 pieces of data, or numbers!

Step 3: Introduce the Essential Question

  • “We continue to answer our big question, ‘What steps do computers take to analyze numerical information and find problems that we can solve?'”
  • “Today, we will learn the third step computers take: compare visualized data from two different bar graphs about the same event and determine if there is a problem.”

Step 4: Introduce the Scenario of Marble Demand vs Marble Supply

  • Show students google slide #6
  • Last year, I collected data on what color marbles students wanted.
  • I wanted to teach a special lesson, but I needed to know if I could teach the special lesson first.
  • In a moment, I’m going to show you 2 bar graphs:
    • the first one represents the number of color marbles that students wanted
    • the second one represents the number of color marbles I had in class to give

Step 5: Students Manipulate Bar Graph Elements to Compare Values

Step 6: Have students identify where the demand of marbles is too high for the supply of marbles

Say: “Did you see anything that might cause the teacher [me] a problem in this situation?”

  • Scaffolding questions:
    • “Are there any colors where I have too much or too little marbles to give to students?”
    • run through the comparisons again

Step 7: Have students articulate the problem using a simple sentence

Exemplar answers:

  • “Students want 2 more green marbles than the teacher has in class.”
  • “Mr. Teacher needs 2 more green marbles to give to students.”

Step 8: Have Student Execute Independent Practice

  • Create 4-5 more interactive bar charts like in slide 5 with different values (how to make interactive activities)
    • Quick way:
      • Click on slide 5 –> Toolbar –> Slide –> Edit Master –> Right click on layout for slide 7 –> Duplicate Layout
      • In duplicated master slide: modify it according to your needs
      • repeat 3-4 more times to create a set for each student
  • Have students independently or in pairs:
    • manipulate the bar graphs to compare teacher supply with student demand
    • answer comprehension questions

Step 9: Stamp End of Lesson and Preview Next

  • “Today, we took the fourth step computers make to analyze information and find problems that we can solve:
    • compare visualized data from two different bar graphs about the same event and determine if there is a problem
    • After we found a problem, we clearly shared what the problem was!
  • “In the next lesson, we will take the next step!
    • Propose a solution to a problem you found and clearly shared!


EdTech used in this activity:

Google Slides

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