Grade Level: Kindergarten - 2nd
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Goal setting | How Can I Get Stronger? | K-2
In this activity, student will learn about goal and setting goals to become stronger students and well-rounded individuals. Ideas for connections, brainstorming and keeping track of the students’ goals are included.
Art, English Language Arts, Math, Music, Physical Education, Science, Social Studies | Kindergarten - 2nd
Visualize numerical data | Students Compute like Computers to Solve Real Problems (Lesson 2 of 7) | K-2
In lesson 2, students visualize numerical data into bar graphs after collecting and organizing data into numerical values using free educational technology. Students learn a computational procedure to analyze and interpret numerical data to derive insights about a real-world problem of supply demand for marbles in a classroom, ultimately offering … Read more
Practice perseverance | Try, Try Again! | K-2
Students will perform a challenging task that will require perseverance. You will then engage in a conversation about what perseverance is and when or how they may need to use perseverance in their lives (both in and out of school). Students will identify and share more examples of when perseverance … Read more
English Language Arts, Science, Social Studies | Kindergarten - 2nd
Test and improve prototypes in a design process| Saving the 3 Little Pigs | K-2
Students will utilize the Engineering Design Process to build strong houses for the 3 Little Pigs. The students will work to build the strongest houses they can with the materials from the story (straw, sticks and bricks) to withstand the breath of “The Big Band Wolf” (hair dryer).
English Language Arts, Science | Kindergarten - 2nd
Recite steps for algorithmic thinking | Students Compute like Computers to Solve Real Problems (Part 7 or 7) | K-2
In part 7, students review and codify the steps they have taken, like a computer, to analyze and interpret numerical data to derive insights. Students learn a computational procedure to analyze and interpret numerical data to derive insights about a real-world problem of supply demand for marbles in a classroom, … Read more
Test solutions you brainstormed | Students Compute like Computers to Solve Real Problems (Lesson 6 of 7) | K-2
In part 6, students will test and evaluate some of their brainstormed solutions to a problem they identified using data representing an event. Students learn a computational procedure to analyze and interpret numerical data to derive insights about a real-world problem of supply demand for marbles in a classroom, ultimately … Read more
Brainstorm solutions to a problem | Students Compute like Computers to Solve Real Problems (Lesson 5 of 7) | K-2
In part 5, using a digital collaboration board, students will brainstorm solutions to a problem they have identified using data representing an event. Students learn a computational procedure to analyze and interpret numerical data to derive insights about a real-world problem of supply demand for marbles in a classroom, ultimately … Read more
Compare data from 2 bar charts | Students Compute like Computers to Solve Real Problems (Lesson 4 of 7) | K-2
In part 4, students compare organized data from two different bar graphs; then they identify and articulate a challenge that arises from the comparison. Students learn a computational procedure to analyze and interpret numerical data to derive insights about a real-world problem of supply demand for marbles in a classroom, … Read more
Analyze data in bar charts | Students Compute like Computers to Solve Real Problems (Lesson 3 of 7) | K-2
In part 3, students interpret visualized numerical data. Students learn a computational procedure to analyze and interpret numerical data to derive insights about a real-world problem of supply demand for marbles in a classroom, ultimately offering solutions and testing them.
Organize categorical data | Students Compute like Computers to Solve Real Problems (Lesson 1 of 7) | K-2
In part 1, students prepare to visualize numerical data by collecting and organizing data into numerical values using free educational technology. Students learn a computational procedure to analyze and interpret numerical data to derive insights about a real-world problem of supply demand for marbles in a classroom, ultimately offering solutions … Read more