ISTE Student Standard: Standard 5: Computational Thinker
Create a plot-line using digital tools | Be a Savvy Reader | 3-5, 6-8
This instructional idea has students breaking down a narrative into its component parts, which is the purpose for the original outline. Next, by answering the questions and then recreating the plot line based on their responses, students are developing descriptive models for alternatives to the narrative.
English Language Arts | 3rd - 5th, 6th - 8th
Collaborate to solve a school problem | Become the School Librarian Team | 3-5, 6-8, 9-12
This instructional idea requires students to create a problem statement focused on increasing the amount of books their peers checkout from a classroom or school library, and that statement must include ideas for collecting and analyzing data. In a follow-up learning activity, students can implement their ideas, which will address … Read more
English Language Arts | 11th-12th, 3rd - 5th, 6th - 8th, 9th-10th
Collect and analyze data on books | Be a Hollywood Producer | 6-8, 9-10, 11-12
In this activity, students determine which book from class should be made into a movie, by gathering and comparing evidence through the internet about the profitability and customer sentiment of each book like a Hollywood Producer would. They will source their evidence evaluate its validity, ultimately making a claim as … Read more
English Language Arts | 11th-12th, 6th - 8th, 9th-10th
Visualize numerical data | Students Compute like Computers to Solve Real Problems (Lesson 2 of 7) | K-2
In lesson 2, students visualize numerical data into bar graphs after collecting and organizing data into numerical values using free educational technology. Students learn a computational procedure to analyze and interpret numerical data to derive insights about a real-world problem of supply demand for marbles in a classroom, ultimately offering … Read more
Understand representative samples | Be US Census Bureau’s Chief Analyst (Lesson 2 of 5) | 6-8
In Part 2, calculate statistics from different types of samples from a population and compare them to determine what conditions make a sample representative of a population. In this multi-step project, students become the Chief Data Analyst for the US Census Bureau Chief and write a report for a governor … Read more
Recite steps for algorithmic thinking | Students Compute like Computers to Solve Real Problems (Part 7 or 7) | K-2
In part 7, students review and codify the steps they have taken, like a computer, to analyze and interpret numerical data to derive insights. Students learn a computational procedure to analyze and interpret numerical data to derive insights about a real-world problem of supply demand for marbles in a classroom, … Read more
Test solutions you brainstormed | Students Compute like Computers to Solve Real Problems (Lesson 6 of 7) | K-2
In part 6, students will test and evaluate some of their brainstormed solutions to a problem they identified using data representing an event. Students learn a computational procedure to analyze and interpret numerical data to derive insights about a real-world problem of supply demand for marbles in a classroom, ultimately … Read more
Brainstorm solutions to a problem | Students Compute like Computers to Solve Real Problems (Lesson 5 of 7) | K-2
In part 5, using a digital collaboration board, students will brainstorm solutions to a problem they have identified using data representing an event. Students learn a computational procedure to analyze and interpret numerical data to derive insights about a real-world problem of supply demand for marbles in a classroom, ultimately … Read more
Compare data from 2 bar charts | Students Compute like Computers to Solve Real Problems (Lesson 4 of 7) | K-2
In part 4, students compare organized data from two different bar graphs; then they identify and articulate a challenge that arises from the comparison. Students learn a computational procedure to analyze and interpret numerical data to derive insights about a real-world problem of supply demand for marbles in a classroom, … Read more
Analyze data in bar charts | Students Compute like Computers to Solve Real Problems (Lesson 3 of 7) | K-2
In part 3, students interpret visualized numerical data. Students learn a computational procedure to analyze and interpret numerical data to derive insights about a real-world problem of supply demand for marbles in a classroom, ultimately offering solutions and testing them.