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Collaborate to solve a school problem | Become the School Librarian Team | 3-5, 6-8, 9-12

This instructional idea requires students to create a problem statement focused on increasing the amount of books their peers checkout from a classroom or school library, and that statement must include ideas for collecting and analyzing data. In a follow-up learning activity, students can implement their ideas, which will address … Read more

English Language Arts | 11th-12th, 3rd - 5th, 6th - 8th, 9th-10th

Compare data from 2 bar charts | Students Compute like Computers to Solve Real Problems (Lesson 4 of 7) | K-2

In part 4, students compare organized data from two different bar graphs; then they identify and articulate a challenge that arises from the comparison. Students learn a computational procedure to analyze and interpret numerical data to derive insights about a real-world problem of supply demand for marbles in a classroom, … Read more

Math | Kindergarten - 2nd