ISTE Student Standard: 2b: Safe & ethical behavior
2a: Digital Identity | Our Online Tracks | 3-5
English Language Arts, Science, Social Studies | 3rd - 5th
2a: Digital Identity | Pause and Think Online | K-2
A lesson from Common Sense Education: From our head down to our toes, and our feet up to our nose, the Digital Citizens teach students how to be safe, responsible, and respectful online.
English Language Arts, Social Studies | Kindergarten - 2nd
2b: Safe and Ethical Behavior | Safety in My Online Neighborhood | K-2
A lesson from Common Sense Education: The power of the internet allows students to experience and visit places they might not be able to see in person. But, just like traveling in the real world, it’s important to be safe when traveling online. On this virtual field trip, kids can … Read more