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Know and use a deliberate design process | Designing a Solution | 3-5, 6-8

This instructional activity walks the students through the engineering design process to create and develop unique solutions to real-world problems. This activity can be adapted for many different subject areas and grade levels. It promotes collaboration and problem-solving skills. Students will design and produce original solutions and share these solutions … Read more

English Language Arts, Science, Social Studies | 3rd - 5th, 6th - 8th

Plan a research brief | Be US Census Bureau’s Chief Analyst (Lesson 1 of 5) | 6-8

In Part 1, students develop a research and analysis plan; they will select and identify the variables required for their research. In this multi-step project, students become the Chief Data Analyst for the US Census Bureau Chief and write a report for a governor of a US state to answer … Read more

Math | 6th - 8th