How this Site Works
Organization of this Site
Material Access: EdTech Connect NC hopes to provide instructional ideas for implementing the ISTE Student Standards in K-12 NC classrooms for all grade levels and subject areas.
Teachers and/or other educators can find instructional ideas by searching the site using the following parameters:
- By grade level: On the Home page, as well as the Search Instructional Ideas page, you can select the link for your appropriate grade level band (K-2, 3-5, 6-9, 9-10 & 11-12). Once you reach this page, you can explore the provided resources. You can also narrow the search for resources further by selecting the “check box” to the left of a subject area at the top of the page. This will provide a list of instructional ideas for the ISTE Student Standards based on the grade level AND subject area.
- By subject area: On the Home page, as well as the Search Instructional Ideas page, you can select the link for the subject area you would like to explore. Once you reach this page, you can explore the provided resources. You can also narrow the search for resources further by selecting the “check box” to the left of a grade level band at the top of the page. This will provide a list of instructional ideas for the ISTE Student Standards based on the subject area AND grade level.
- By ISTE student standard: By selecting a specific ISTE Student Standard from the drop down menu at the top of the page, you can learn more about that standard as well as find resources specific to that standard or substandard.
- By any and all indicators: On the Search Instructional Ideas page you are provided with drop down menus under Search All Instructional Ideas. You can select a category from each of the lists (by grade level, subject area and standard). Once you have selected ANY and/or ALL categories you would like to see, you can click Submit and a new list of resources will be provided within those parameters.
Activity naming principles: Many of the instructional ideas cover a variety of ISTE Student Standards, subject areas and grade level bands. In order to accommodate the multitude of standards being addressed, the name of the instructional ideas feature the main idea of the lesson with the standards and subject areas classified underneath the description.
Sample format:
Main Idea of Lesson | Title of Activity | Grade Level Bands
Look at this example from the site below:
- The main idea or content being addressed in this activity is testing and improving prototypes within a design thinking process.
- The title of the activity is Savin the 3 Little Pigs.
- The grade level band that fit this activity best is kindergarten through second grade (K-2).
- A brief description of the activity is provided just below the underlined name.
- All standards, subject areas and grade level bands that this activity addresses are listed in blue below this description in this order: standards | subject areas | grade level bands. This activity covers:
- Standard 4: Innovative Designer
- 4a: Know and use a deliberate design process
- 4c: Develop & test prototypes
- Standard 7: Global Collaborator
- 7c: Contribute constructively to project teams
- English Language Arts
- Science
- Kindergarten- 2nd grade
Features of this Site
Original Instructional Ideas: The site provides instructional ideas written and developed by current and former classroom teachers. These ideas are aligned with the ISTE Student Standards with the North Carolina Standard Course of Study (NCSCOS) in mind.
ISTE Student Standards Information Guide: The site provides a quick reference of each standard and substandard. You can learn each standard and watch videos from ISTE to see how this standard can relate to the classroom. In addition to this information, instructional ideas are provided for each standard on these pages.
EdTech Glossary: The EdTech Glossary provides a comprehensive list of EdTech resources to use within the classroom and the instructional ideas on the site.
Learning Hub: The Learning Hub of EdTech Connect NC is a space for teachers to learn and connect through exploration of topics related to the ISTE Student Standards and technology-focused instructional ideas. We currently offer courses on the following topics:
- Exploring EdTech Connect NC
- Unpacking an ISTE Standard
- Implementing Blended Learning in a K-12 Classroom Setting
- How to Use Google Drive to make Free, Innovative Blended Learning For Your Classroom
Each of these courses contain 3 modules, each following the Learn it, Earn it, Share it framework mentioned in the About section of this website. These courses hope to provide learners with: insight into the development of EdTech Connect NC, resources and a proposed process for unpacking the ISTE Student Standards, and instructional ideas and practices around both Blended Learning and using Google Docs to achieve ISTE Student Standards in K-12 classrooms.