Exploring EdTech Connect NC
Welcome to this mini course focused on “Exploring EdTech Connect NC”, a newly developed online resource for North Carolina teachers. In this module learners will explore the following topics:
- Module 1: What are the ISTE standards and why do they matter?
- Module 2: Navigating EdTech Connect NC
- Module 3: Taking it home
The purpose of this 3 module mini-course is to support North Carolina’s teachers and other learners understand how to navigate EdTech Connect NC to support the mandated ISTE integration in their classroom instruction. Throughout these modules learners will have chance to understand and explore the ISTE standards, discover resources to support their own instruction, and practice customizing instructional ideas to meet the needs of their students. By the end of this course learners will have developed a tangible artifact that they can use in their classroom instruction. Learners will understand how to navigate the available resources and deepen their edtech competencies while gaining valuable skills to effectively integrate ISTE in their instructional practice.
Contact/About the Author
These courses were built by MEITE students Marvin Espinoza (‘21), Erika Murray (‘21), Savannah Windham (‘21), and Devon Young (‘21) as part of their work in UNC Chapel Hill’s MEITE Program.
Follow the steps listed below for any technical issues you may experience in this module:
- I can’t record a Flipgrid response!
- Check your camera and ensure that it is not being used for Zoom or another video conferencing software or activity on your computer.
- Try using a different browser (Chrome and Edge are great!)
- Make sure your video response is not greater than 45 seconds.
- Check to make sure your camera is not damaged by testing it using other video conferencing software like Zoom or Google Hangouts.
- I can’t see any of the activities using Google Documents, Sheets, or Slides!
- Make sure you are signed in to Google using your Gmail account. You may have to make one! Google accounts are FREE and EASY to use and create!
- If that does not work, please email, as there may be a sharing issue: EdTechConnectNC@gmail.com
Let’s get started!