EdTech Resources
This tool allows users to create websites quickly, and it includes a variety of options to customize the website including a selection of themes, templates, plug-ins, and more! Because of the advanced options, users should visit the “Support” page to find information when first building their website.
World Intellectual Property Organization
This website provides essential information for using intellectual property. Users can search for information by topics, including general information about copyright along with specific information about copyrights, patents, trademarks, industrial designs, geographic indications, and trade secrets.
World Music Central’s Glossary of Instruments
This website includes an alphabetized glossary of musical instruments, which includes brief descriptions of each instrument.
YA Reads
A website dedicated to the genre of young adult literature, and users can browse the website to locate young adult novels and read their reviews.
This platforms offers users the largest online collection of searchable videos. Users can enter a search term in order to view the videos related to the topic.
This tool allows users to meet virtually with one another. They can also use this tool to record themselves, and the virtual background option allows them to look as though they are located in different locations. If recording, users will be able to download the recordings as MP4s.
This website serves as a platform where researchers can post their current projects, and users can signup to help the researchers complete the project. Example ways users can support researchers is by classifying images and sounds, transcribing information, and taking pictures of animals in their native habitats.