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NY Times for Students

May 31, 2020

This website is from the New York Times, and it highlights current events and opinions written specifically for students.

Math is Fun

May 12, 2020

This website provides resources for a variety of mathematical topics, along with an index organized by grade level and topic.

Story of Mathematics

May 12, 2020

A website that includes the history of mathematics along with many resources, including a glossary of math terms.

Google For Education

April 26, 2020

This website provides an entire suite of Google products for teachers and students. Of particular interest is the “Teaching Resources” tab that includes tools for multiple purposes, and users are encouraged to explore this tab for tools that meet their … Read more

Glossary of Arts Terms from Abe Books

April 25, 2020

This website provides users with a list of artistic terms, with some links and examples of how artists have used the technique described by the term in their work.

Tate Art Terms

April 25, 2020

This website provides a glossary of art terms that users can browse and search. Each entry includes an explanation along with images that illustrate that term.


April 23, 2020

This website features an interactive Periodic Table of Elements that allows users to drag and drop different elements to create new compounds. When a compound is created, the website shows an image and description of that compound in action. This … Read more


April 23, 2020

This website offers an interactive periodic table of elements. After loading the table, users can click on an element to access encyclopedic information about the element, including