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2c: Intellectual Property Rights | Let’s Give Credit | K-2

December 10, 2020

A lesson from Common Sense Education: With so much information at our fingertips, students learn what it means to “give credit” when using content they find online. Taking on the role of a detective, students learn why it’s important to give credit and the right ways to do it when they use words, images, or ideas that belong to others.

2a: Digital Identity | Pause and Think Online | K-2

December 10, 2020

A lesson from Common Sense Education: From our head down to our toes, and our feet up to our nose, the Digital Citizens teach students how to be safe, responsible, and respectful online.

2d: Personal Data Privacy and Security | Digital Trails | K-2

December 9, 2020

A lesson from Common Sense Education: Does what you do online always stay online? Students learn that the information they share online leaves a digital footprint or “trail.” Depending on how they manage it, this trail can be big or small, and harmful or helpful. Students compare different trails and think critically about what kinds of information they want to leave behind.

2b: Safe and Ethical Behavior | Safety in My Online Neighborhood | K-2

December 9, 2020

A lesson from Common Sense Education: The power of the internet allows students to experience and visit places they might not be able to see in person. But, just like traveling in the real world, it’s important to be safe when traveling online. On this virtual field trip, kids can practice staying safe on online adventures.

7c. Global Citizen | Math | Grades 6-12

July 9, 2020

Students work in groups to solve a math problem or equation and provide supplemental information about before presenting their work to their classmates.

7b. Global Citizen | Math | Grades 6-12

June 30, 2020

Teachers use a digital board to facilitate students solving a math problem and then view how their classmates’ solved before discussing it together in small groups and as a whole class.

7a. Global Citizen | Math | Grades 6-12

June 23, 2020

Students explore online math communities and then join one, which allows them to ask and answer math questions as well as engage the communities’ members in conversation about different math topics.