1.3- How can blended learning enhance K-12 education?
Now that you have received an overview of blended learning in K-12 education, we are going to focus on defining blended learning and identifying possible benefits for incorporating blended learning models in your classroom instruction.
Read the following article:
What is Blended Learning and How Can it Help Enhance K-12 Education by Hemant Gautam
While reading the article, independently reflect on the following statements:
- What do you believe is the definition of blended learning?
- Identify at least 3 benefits to implementing blended learning in a K-12 classroom setting that resonates with you.
Extra “Credit”: Watch this TedTalk presentation by Jessie Woolley-Willson titled “Blending technology and classroom learning”. This TedTalk features an example of a teacher who was confronted with familiar challenges and transformed her classroom teaching using a program called Dreambox and blended learning.
Go to 1.4- Share you thoughts on blended learning
Gautam, H. (2020, May 19). What is blended learning and how can it help enhance k-12 education – magicbox blog. Retrieved March 9, 2021, from https://www.getmagicbox.com/blog/blended-learning-help-enhance-k12-education/
8 benefits of blended learning you might have missed. (2021, January 11). Retrieved March 11, 2021, from https://www.3plearning.com/blog/understanding-blended-learning/
TEDxRainier (2012, December 17). What is blended learning? [Video file]. Retrieved March 9, 2021, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o0TbaHimigw