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In today’s increasingly digital world, teachers must now ensure that students possess the digital literacy skills needed to be successful in both educational and professional settings. The International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) identified this need over 20 years ago, and they have been publishing technology standards that identify specific technology-focused skills and abilities students must develop during their compulsory education, such as digital media and information literacy, communication and critical-thinking skills, and inquiry and design-thinking learning opportunities. ISTE published their first set of technology standards for students in 1998 and an updated version in 2007. ISTE again updated their standards in 2016, and now all states have adopted either the 2007 or 2016 version of their standards (Snelling, 2016). ISTE has published sets of standards for a variety of groups, including students, educators, education leaders, and coaches.  

To learn more about each of these groups of standards, watch the YouTube video from 21st Century Classroom below. After, view the short video by ISTE Introducing the ISTE Standards for Students, the set of standards that will be the focus for this course.  


After viewing the videos above, take a moment to post a comment on this page below in response to one of the following questions:  

  • What’s one thing that intrigues or excites you about implementing ISTE Standards into your classroom or curriculum?  
  • What’s one concern you have about implementing ISTE Standards into your classroom or curriculum?  

Take it Further  

To learn more about the ISTE Standards, check out Module 1 of the “Exploring EdTech Connect NC” online course [link TBD after upload]. In this module, you can more deeply explore the standards, learn about their implementation for classroom instruction, and dig into the design process used to develop EdTech Connect NC.  


Go to 1.3: Introduction to an ISTE Standards Unpacking Process


Snelling, Jennifer. (2016, June 27). New ISTE standards aim to develop lifelong learners. Retrieved October 21, 2020, from 

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